How to begin counselling with us

We offer initial appointments within two weeks. It can be helpful to just to talk to us about what’s going on. This appointment can be face-to-face, online or by telephone.

Our team can support you across a wide range of difficulties but also help you move forward to other services if they are more appropriate.  We are committed to working at your pace for however many sessions feel helpful to you.

What does counselling offer?

Sometimes our lives can be so busy that we don’t have the time or space to explore what we are really feeling about what’s been happening to us. Counselling can offer you a confidential, safe space and the time to explore your current problems or what you want to change in your life and be listened to by someone outside of your current situation.

Coming weekly allows the process of working through what’s been happening to evolve and allows you to begin to understand how to move forward for yourself.

You can decide to come for counselling for yourself or you might be recommended to come for counselling by one of your healthcare professionals

What sort of problems can counselling help with?

Counselling helps with problems such as depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, anger, phobias and life changing situations such as bereavement and divorce. We can also work with you on issues relating to confidence and self-esteem and if you want to change something in your life. If we feel you need further specialist support we can signpost you to these services.

HCCG is not an immediate crisis service and we don’t operate at weekends – so if you find you are in very urgent need of emotional support we recommend you either contact your GP, Sussex Mental Healthline on 0300 5000 101 (24hrs) or make a call to the Samaritans (you don’t have to be feeling suicidal to ask for their help).

How long will counselling last?

We believe it is important to work at your pace – each session lasts 50 minutes once a week and will continue for as long as you are finding them beneficial.

What happens if I want to end counselling?

We would explore why you feel you want to end and plan how and when this might happen together.  You may choose to do this at any point.

You can read more about what therapy is from the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) by clicking here